Getting the World to Listen! 引起全球的注意! |
Greta Thunberg is no ordinary teenager. In 2018, at age 15, she began to skip school every Friday to go and fight for the planet. Thanks to the Internet, her message spread. Soon more than 20,000 students from around the world were skipping school with her. In 2019, she took a year off school. She wanted to focus on being a leader. That September, she went to a big meeting about climate change in the United States. She refused to fly there because she believes that airplanes are bad for the environment. So she crossed the ocean by boat. She told world leaders how angry she was with them. She said they weren't doing enough to save the planet. Her speech shocked a lot of people. Now, everyone knows Greta's message. She is a great example of how young people can get the world to listen. 格蕾塔.桑伯格和一般青少年不一樣。年僅 15 歲的她,從 2018 年開始每週五翹課,為拯救地球而奔走發聲。乘網路之便,她的訴求得以蔓延開來。不久後,世界各地有超過兩萬名學生追 隨她的腳步,開始翹課。 2019 年,她休學一年,希望專心做個領導者。該年九月,她前往美國參加探討氣候變遷的大型會議。因為她深信航空業有害環境,她拒絕搭乘飛機,而以帆船飄洋過海。她向全球各國領袖表達自己的憤怒,她認為他們未盡力拯救地球。此番演說撼動了許多人。 如今全世界都聽到了格蕾塔的聲音,她可說是年輕人喚醒全球注意力的最佳典範。 |
──選自《 讀出英語核心素養 1:九大技巧打造閱讀力(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》 |