2022年11月17日 星期四


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2022/11/18 第644期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 租車
【英語學習Plus】 A Brief History of the Console Wars 遊戲機大戰簡史
【本月發燒書】 英語閱讀技巧完全攻略4【二版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★用心智圖視覺聯想記憶,2000英單輕鬆背


★ Renting a Car 租車
A I'd like to rent a car.
A 我要租輛車。
B What kind of car would you like?
B 您要租什麼樣的車呢?

★ Booking a Car Rental Online 線上預訂租車
A Is it possible to book a car online next time, to save time?
A 為了節省時間,下次我可以線上預訂租車嗎?
B Yes, just visit our website. You can book your car there.
B 可以的,只要上我們的網站,就可以預訂租車。

────── 節錄寂天講堂「租車」

A Brief History of the Console Wars 遊戲機大戰簡史

The first home videogame console came out in 1972. Its name was the Magnavox Odyssey, and it cost the same as about $600 dollars. What did you get for your money? Only 28 games, and most of them were very simple. No wonder only 350,000 people bought one.

Back then, video games were totally new. You didn't play them because they were super fun. You played them because they were strange (that is, if you could play them at all). Not many people owned a video game console in those early years.

Now, everyone from your best friend to your grandmother plays video games. Whether on a smartphone or a video game console, we all love to play. It used to be strange to play video games. Now it is strange not to play them. Just think: the PlayStation 4 sold over 115 million consoles in its lifetime. That is a whole lot more than the Magnavox Odyssey!

Take a look at the timeline below. A timeline lists events in order from earliest to latest. This one lists some popular video game consoles and the dates they came out.

第一台家用電玩遊戲機於 1972 年問世,名稱叫做「美格福斯奧德賽」,售價約 600 元美金。這樣的花費能讓你擁有什麼?你只有 28 種遊戲可玩,而且多數遊戲都非常簡易,難怪只有 35 萬人買單。


如今,從你的好友到奶奶,人人都在打電玩。無論是智慧型手機或電玩遊戲機,我們都愛玩。打電玩曾經是一件奇怪的事,現在是不玩的人才奇怪。試想看看:PlayStation 4 的時代賣出超過1.15 億台遊戲機,比美格福斯奧德賽還要多太多了!




用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語 【彩圖四版】(20K +解答別冊+寂天雲隨身聽APP))

英文閱讀聽力素養訓練課:格林童話 (16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)


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