There are different kinds of musical instruments. Let's meet the string family. Can you name some instruments with strings? The violin? The cello? How about the guitar? You usually use bows to play string instruments. But sometimes you pluck the strings with your fingers. Let's meet the percussion family. These include the drum, xylophone, and tambourine. Percussion instruments are fun to play. You hit them or shake them with your hands or a stick. The woodwinds are some other common instruments. Some woodwinds are the clarinet, flute, and oboe. Musicians play the woodwinds by blowing air into them. Musicians also blow into brass instruments. The trumpet and trombone are two of them. The piano and organ are keyboard instruments. You can play keyboard instruments by using your fingers. 樂器的種類林林總總。 讓我們先來認識一下弦樂家族。 你能說出幾個有弦的樂器嗎? 小提琴?大提琴?還是吉他呢? 你通常用弓去演奏弦樂器, 但是有時可以用手指撥弦。 接著讓我們來介紹打擊樂器。 打擊樂器包括鼓、木琴和鈴鼓。 打擊樂器很有趣。 你可以用手或棒子去敲打或搖動它們。 木管樂器是另一種常見樂器。 木管樂器有單簧管、長笛和雙簧管。 音樂家藉由吹入空氣來演奏木管樂器。 音樂家也會吹奏銅管樂器。 小號和長號都屬於銅管樂器。 鋼琴和風琴屬於鍵盤樂器。 你能用手指彈奏鍵盤樂器。 |