芳苑潮間帶體驗:坐著牛車採蚵去 Fangyuan "Sea Buffaloes": How an Old Tradition Is Turning New Profits DEC.30,2021/Analytical Editors
On the western coast of Changhua County lies a small township with a rich historical background. Fangyuan Township is a place that was put on the map by the little salt-water bivalve mollusk known as the oyster. The region is famous for its intertidal zones, where fresh river water mixes with briny seawater. This unique convergence creates an environment which is rich in organic elements and perfect for not only oysters, but fish, shrimp, and crabs as well. 彰化縣西岸有一座充滿豐富歷史背景的小鄉鎮。芳苑鄉以小型的鹹水雙殼類軟體動物名聞遐邇,也就是大家熟知的蚵仔。該區域以溪流的淡水與鹹海水混合在一起的潮間帶著名。這獨一無二的匯合創造出一個富含有機元素的環境,不僅對蚵仔來說是絕佳的環境,對魚類、蝦類、和蟹類也是。 - buffalo n. 水牛,野牛( 複數形為 buffaloes 或 buffalo)
- put... on the map 使...出名
- be rich in... 富含...
- organic a. 有機的