2020年7月13日 星期一

Dance Your Troubles Away 唱唱跳跳解憂愁

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2020/07/10 第458期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Dance Your Troubles Away 唱唱跳跳解憂愁
Artistic activities have some surprising health benefits.


  Many people take lessons in music and dance when they are young because practicing an art also teaches the value of discipline. Recent studies have also shown that getting involved in music and dance can lead to positive chemical changes in the brain. These activities can help us improve our motor skills, and they can also make us healthier and happier.
  Dancing is a form of exercise, and a good night on the dance floor can burn as many calories as a trip to the gym. It is also a social activity, so when we dance with other people, our brains send out chemicals that make us feel happy because we are sharing a fun experience and bonding with our friends.
  Similarly, studies have shown that people who sing regularly have lower levels of stress and higher levels of confidence. When we hear singing, even awful singing, our brains naturally relax. Using the voice properly involves many different muscle groups, and singing can also lead to physical benefits in breathing, posture, and strength.


1. practice vt. & vi. 實行,從事;練習 & n. 實施,(習慣)做法;練習
  common / current / standard practice  一般/現行/標準做法
This ancient custom is still practiced today.
It is standard practice to search visitors as they enter this government building.
2. discipline n. 紀律;約束
Discipline is what makes a soldier a soldier.
3. burn calories  消耗/燃燒熱量
calorie n. 卡路里(食物的熱量單位)
Wendy went jogging because she wanted to burn some calories.
4. send out... / send...out  發出/送出……
The sinking ship sent an SOS signal out.
  * SOS signal / message / call n. 求救訊號/訊息/電話
5. bond vi.(與某人)建立關係,培養感情(常與介詞 with 並用)
It´s hard for Jimmy to bond with his coworkers because he is so shy.
6. confidence n. 自信,信心
The boss has confidence in Scott´s ability to handle the problem.
7. awful a. 糟糕的,極壞的;惡劣的
The party was awful. Not many people showed up and there wasn´t anything to drink.
8. physical a. 身體(方面)的,肉體的
Doctors suggest that everyone get a physical checkup once a year.
  * checkup n. 健康檢查,體檢

artistic a. 藝術的;美術的
motor skill n. 動作技能(即使用骨骼肌肉的能力)
 motor a. 肌肉動作的;運動神經的
dance floor n. 舞池
 hit the dance floor  到舞池跳舞
posture n. 體態;姿勢





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