2022年1月13日 星期四


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2022/01/14 第600期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 May、Could、Can
【英語學習Plus】 Roots, Stems, and Leaves 根、莖、葉
【本月發燒書】 看完故事就學會國小1000英單(20K+WORKBOOK+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★好書推薦★Step by Step 圖解狄克生片語:一本學會470個關鍵日常英文片語


★ 語氣上,may 比 could 和 can 更正式,而 could 又比 can 更禮貌。
【最正式】May I please have another waffle?
【禮貌,但不正式】Could I please have another waffle?
【不正式】Can I have another waffle?
【沒禮貌】Give me another waffle.

★ may、can、could 常拿來表示「請求允許做某件事」。
If nobody is going to eat it, may I have the last piece of cake?

Could I finish the grapes?

Can I put my feet up while I digest all the food I just ate?

────── 節錄寂天講堂「May、Could、Can」

Roots, Stems, and Leaves 根、莖、葉

Plants are made up of many parts. Three of the most important are their roots, stems, and leaves. All three of them have various functions.

The roots are found at the bottom of the plant. Roots grow underground. They help anchor the plant to the ground. This keeps the plant from being washed away by rain or blown away by the wind. Also, a plant's roots help it extract nutrients from the ground. These nutrients include water and various minerals.

The stems have several important responsibilities. First, they move water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves. They also store some nutrients and water if the plant has too much of them. And they transport food, such as sap, down from the leaves to the roots. Finally, they provide support for the leaves.

The leaves have a very important role. They contain chloroplasts. These let photosynthesis
take place. Because of this, plants can create sugar, which they use for food. And they also take carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. This lets all of the other animals on Earth breathe.


根位於植物的底部,生長在地下,負責把植物固定在土地上, 防止植物被雨水沖走或是被風吹走。同時,植物也藉由根部來吸收土裡的水和各種礦物質等養分。



──選自《超級英語閱讀訓練 1:FUN學美國英語課本精選 【二版】(16K +寂天雲隨身聽APP)》



英文寫作高分班Just Write It!【彩色二版】(16K+解答別冊)

歐亨利短篇小說選 The Best Short Stories of O. Henry【原著雙語隨身書】(50K彩色)

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