Plants are made up of many parts. Three of the most important are their roots, stems, and leaves. All three of them have various functions. The roots are found at the bottom of the plant. Roots grow underground. They help anchor the plant to the ground. This keeps the plant from being washed away by rain or blown away by the wind. Also, a plant's roots help it extract nutrients from the ground. These nutrients include water and various minerals. The stems have several important responsibilities. First, they move water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves. They also store some nutrients and water if the plant has too much of them. And they transport food, such as sap, down from the leaves to the roots. Finally, they provide support for the leaves. The leaves have a very important role. They contain chloroplasts. These let photosynthesis take place. Because of this, plants can create sugar, which they use for food. And they also take carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. This lets all of the other animals on Earth breathe. 植物有許多構造,其中最重要的三個是根、莖以及葉,他們都具備了各種功能。 根位於植物的底部,生長在地下,負責把植物固定在土地上, 防止植物被雨水沖走或是被風吹走。同時,植物也藉由根部來吸收土裡的水和各種礦物質等養分。 莖部擔負幾個重責大任。首先,它們將水和養分從根部輸送到葉子。如果水分和養分過剩,莖也會將它們儲存起來。莖也負責將像汁液這樣的養料從葉子往下輸送到根部,最後還有支撐葉子的功能。 葉子也佔有非常重要的角色,其包含的葉綠體,能夠行使光合作用,如此植物才能製造糖分作為養料。同時,葉子吸入二氧化碳,將其轉換成氧氣,讓地球上所有其他動物都能呼吸。 |