瞳孔橫豎的祕密 Pupil Shape: The Window to the Soul? DEC. 05,2023/Analytical Editors 
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. That is, simply looking into a person's eyes can reveal details about what they are thinking and how they are feeling. In fact, in the animal kingdom, the eyes, and particularly the shape of the pupils, can actually tell us far more information about the animal. For example, some animals, such as cats and foxes, often have narrow, vertical pupils, while others, such as deer and sheep, have far wider and more horizontal ones. Such differences are, without doubt, no coincidence. ... 有人說,眼睛是靈魂之窗。也就是說,只要觀察一個人的眼睛,就能看出他在想什麼以及有什麼感覺。事實上在動物界中,眼睛 ── 尤其是瞳孔的形狀 ── 可以告訴我們關於動物的更多資訊。例如,有些動物(如貓和狐狸)的瞳孔通常是狹窄而垂直的,而有些動物(如鹿和羊)的瞳孔則是較寬且水平得多。毫無疑問地,這些差異絕非巧合。 - vertical a. 垂直的
- without doubt 毫無疑問地
- coincidence n. 巧合