2016年3月15日 星期二

Mine Kings   淘寶硬漢

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2016/03/15 第238期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Mine Kings   淘寶硬漢


  If you want to strike it rich, sometimes you have to get your hands dirty. For professional miner Jimmy Dinnison, that is a phrase he knows all too well. The 25-year-old high school dropout earns more than US$200,000 a year mining in Australia's outback. National Geographic Channel's (NGC) new show, Mine Kings, features Dinnison and his partners as they drill across the globe in search of gold and sapphires.
  Australia's mining industry has hit a recent boom in the last decade. Due to the world's endless need for raw minerals, miners like Dinnison have been able to make a killing by meeting the demand. In just 13 days' worth of work, Dinnison is able to make more than US$8,000. Being mining royalty comes with a cost, however. Making money like that means spending long hours risking being trapped in a small mine shaft that may collapse at any second. Dinnison often says, "If you want something done right, send an Aussie to do it." Do not miss a second of the exciting fun in NGC's Mine Kings out this month.



  1. strike it rich  發大財,暴富
    Those who worship at this temple hope to strike it rich.
  2. miner n. 礦工
    Miners often work deep underground.
  3. decade n. 十年
    Living standards in this country have improved over the past two decades.
  4. due to...  因為……
    Due to the flood, no one can cross the river.
  5. endless a. 無盡的,永無休止的
    The students were tired of having to take endless tests.
  6. make a killing  發大財,獲暴利
    Martin made a killing by investing in Apple before the release of the first iPhone.
    馬丁在首支 iPhone 手機推出前投資蘋果公司而發大財。
    * invest [ In`vEst ] vt. 投資
  7. demand n. 需要,需求
    be in demand  廣受需求
    Roses are often much in demand on Valentine's Day.
  8. collapse vi. 倒塌
    Three buildings in this area collapsed during the earthquake.
  1. dropout n. 輟學者;退學者
  2. outback n. 澳洲內地
  3. sapphire n. 藍寶石
  4. boom n. 繁榮,興旺
  5. royalty n.(特定團體裡的)知名傑出人士
  6. shaft n. 礦井;豎井
  7. Aussie n. 澳洲人(非正式用法)

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