2015年8月13日 星期四

債券的內涵 What?s in a Bond?

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債券的內涵 What?s in a Bond?

fA bond is a promise (typically by a business or a government) to pay a predetermined amount and schedule of interest payments.

The interest rate on the bond is called the coupon, the amount borrowed is the face value, and the date on which the issuer has to repay the face value is the maturity date.

The face value is the amount of money a holder will get back once a bond matures. Bonds are sold at lower than the face, or par value. When a bond trades at a price above the face value, it is selling at a premium. When it is selling below face value, it is selling at a discount.

The chance that the company might not be able to pay the par value of the bond is known as default risk, and this risk means corporate bonds are offered at a higher yield in order to entice investors. Various bond rating systems help investors determine a company's creditworthiness.

Bonds are publicly traded securities, which means not every lender holds them until maturity. At any time, a bond can be sold on the open market, where the price may fluctuate. Yield shows the price you get on a bond. Simply put, yield equals the coupon amount divided by price. In the real world of market variation, bond investors refer to yield as yield to maturity (YTM). YTM equals all the interest payments the buyer will receive plus any gain or loss. Simply put, when price increases, yield decreases.

Government bonds can be divided into bills (maturing in less than one year), notes (maturing in one to 10 years), and bonds (maturing in more than 10 years). Municipal bonds are issued by municipalities and are attractive to investors seeking a tax-free investment. Corporate bonds are issued by companies and are characterized by higher yields because of the relatively higher risk of a company defaulting. Variations on corporate bonds include convertible bonds and callable bonds. Zero-coupon bonds make no coupon payments but instead are issued at a considerable discount to par value.






政府債券可分為「短期債券」(一年內到期),「中期債券」(1年至10年到期)和「長期債券」(10 年以上到期)。地方政府債券由市政府發行,吸引尋求免稅投資的投資人。公司債券則由企業發行,殖利率更高,因為企業違約的風險相對較高。公司債券的其他種類還包括「可轉換公司債」和「可贖回債券」。「零息債券」不支付票息,而是以低於票面價值的大幅折價發行。

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