2015年8月17日 星期一

Hoop Dreams  籃球夢想的最高殿堂 —— NBA

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2015/08/18 第209期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Hoop Dreams  籃球夢想的最高殿堂 —— NBA

  One of the NBA's most successful teams is the Los Angeles Lakers. With 16 championships, the Lakers are the NBA's most valuable team, worth an estimated US$2.6 billion3. For the team dressed in purple, white, and gold, success was far from certain. In 1947, the Detroit Gems of the NBL broke up and moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota. The team changed its name in honor of the state's nickname, the land of 10,000 lakes. Though the Lakers were successful in Minneapolis at the beginning, the team struggled during the 1950s and soon moved to Los Angles in 1960.
  The Los Angeles Lakers that we know today have produced some of the finest athletes in basketball history. Starting from the NBA's first superstar, George Mikan, all the way to the Lakers' current superstar, Kobe Bryant, the Lakers have never been short on talent. It was not until the 1980s, however, that a Magic Johnson-led team really displayed what the Lakers could do on the basketball court. His signature fast breaks and no-look passes brought the Lakers five championships in nine years. Recently, however, the Lakers have slowed down a bit. Their last championship was in 2010, and their star player, Bryant, has been injured for parts of the past three seasons. Now, the Lakers are looking to younger players to do well in the future.













  NBA 最成功的球隊之一是洛杉磯湖人隊。奪得十六次總冠軍的湖人隊是 NBA 最有價值的球隊,估計價值二十六億美元。對於這支穿著紫、白、金三色球衣的球隊來說,成功總是有不確定因素存在。1947 年時,全國籃球聯盟的底特律寶石隊解散並搬到明尼蘇達州的明尼亞波里斯市。這支球隊為了紀念這個州的綽號 —— 萬湖之地,而以此綽號更換隊名。雖然湖人隊一開始在明尼亞波里斯市時很成功,但是後來該隊在五○年代期間很掙扎,接著不久在六○年代時搬到了洛杉磯。
  我們現今所知的洛杉磯湖人隊已產出了一些籃球史上最優秀的運動員。一開始從 NBA 的第一位超級球星喬治•麥肯一直到湖人隊當今的超級球星科比•布萊恩,湖人隊從來都不缺有才華的運動員。但是,直到八○年代由魔術強森所率領的球隊才真正展現出湖人隊在籃球場上的能耐。他的招牌快攻和不看隊員的傳球在九年內替球隊奪得五次總冠軍。然而,最近湖人隊的步調已減緩了一些。他們上一次奪得總冠軍是在 2010 年,而且他們的明星球員布萊恩在過去三個球季有一部分的時間都一直受傷。現在,湖人隊寄望年輕球員能在未來有好的表現。

  1. valuable a. 有價值的,寶貴的
    Traveling abroad is a valuable experience for anyone who wants to see the world.
  2. be far from + N/adj.  根本/一點都不……
    Jack's bad joke was far from funny.
  3. honor n. 崇敬;榮譽
    in honor of...   為了表示對……的紀念/崇敬
    We set up the scholarship in honor of the late principal.
  4. current a. 現時的,目前的
    Mark started his current job six months ago.
  5. talent n. 才能;天賦
    Sophia has a talent for music and can play many instruments.
  6. display vt. & n. 展示,展覽
    The computer company displayed their new products.
  7. recently adv. 最近,不久前
    Beth has been in a bad mood recently.
  8. injured a. 受傷的
    Believe it or not, no one was injured in that traffic accident.
  1. championship n. 冠軍地位/稱號
  2. estimated a. 估計的,估算的
  3. billion n. 十億
  4. nickname n. 綽號
  5. signature n. 鮮明特色,明顯特徵

本文 "It was not until the 1980s, however, that a Magic Johnson-led team really displayed..." 中的句子以 It is / was not until... + that 子句的句型來開頭,此句型為 it is / was 引導的強勢句構,until 之後可接名詞或子句。例:

It is not until you learn how to swim that you'll understand how much fun it can be.

由於 not until 引導的子句視為否定副詞子句,故置於句首時,其後的主要子句須採倒裝句構。故上列例句亦可寫成:

Not until you learn how to swim will you understand how much fun it can be.

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