2015年8月14日 星期五

Finland Has Faith In the Euro/經濟雖差 芬蘭擁抱歐元

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2015/08/14 第85期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Finland Has Faith In the Euro/經濟雖差 芬蘭擁抱歐元
In Age of Streaming, Netflix Refines Its DVD Business/串流當道 Netflix為何仍不放棄DVD?
Finland Has Faith In the Euro/經濟雖差 芬蘭擁抱歐元
Finland is, in many ways, the anti-Greece.


Like Greece, it is geographically far from the core Western European powers of Britain, France and Germany. And like Greece, it uses the euro currency. But unlike Greece, it is a model of sound governance and responsible use of debt.


Yet Finland's economy is also not doing so great, with an 11.8 percent unemployment rate and with contracting gross domestic product in the last three years.


圖片來源/Jaafar Alnasser(CC BY-SA 2.0)

A number of American commentators have looked at Finland's current economic troubles as a clear sign that what ails the eurozone is far deeper than profligate spending by the Greeks. Paul Krugman has made that case at The New York Times, Tim Worstall at Forbes and Matt O'Brien at The Washington Post.


Alexander Stubb, the Finnish finance minister, thinks they're wrong. I brought this up with him recently in Espoo, the Helsinki suburb where he lives. His vigorously defense what the euro has done for Finland, and his comments help explain why elite opinion about the euro is so different on the two sides of the Atlantic.


There are three main causes of Finland's economic weakness. Nokia has gone from the world's largest mobile phone maker to an afterthought, costing thousands of Finnish jobs and many more when its supply network is counted. Demand for paper, another major export, has fallen. And the economy of neighboring Russia, with which Finland has deep trade ties, has collapsed because of plummeting oil prices and Western sanctions.


Because Finland has used the euro since its inception, the value of its currency cannot adjust in ways that would cushion the overall Finnish economy from those shocks. If Finland still had its old currency, the markka, it would have fallen in value on international markets. Suddenly other Finnish industries would have had a huge cost advantage over, say, German competitors, and they would have grown and created the jobs to help make up for those lost because of Nokia and the paper industry and Russian trade.


"Rubbish," Mr. Stubb said. To evaluate the euro, you can't just look at what he calls a current "rough patch" for the Finnish economy. You have to look at a longer time horizon. In his telling, the integration with Western Europe – of which the euro currency is a crucial element – deepened trade and diplomatic relations, making Finland both more powerful on the world stage and its industries better connected to the rest of the global economy. That made its people richer.


"In the early 1990s in the middle of a Finnish banking crisis and economic depression, we were a top 30 country in the world in per capita G.D.P.," he said. "Then we opened up; we became members of the E.U. Now we're always up there in G.D.P. per capita or whatever other measure you look at with Sweden, Denmark, Australia and Canada."


As to whether the ability to devalue its currency would help deal with the current economic downturn, Mr. Stubb is similarly skeptical.


"Devaluation is a little like doping in sports," he said. "It gives you perhaps a short-term boost, but in the long run, it's not beneficial. Just like anyone else, we need structural reform, structural adjustment; we need to increase our competitiveness, and a little bit of luck."


In Age of Streaming, Netflix Refines Its DVD Business/串流當道 Netflix為何仍不放棄DVD?
It was just past sunrise on morning at Netflix's DVD operations here. Metallic arms whirred in a giant glass box and rolling carts holding millions of DVDs lined the walls of the warehouse. Red envelopes buzzed through an assembly line at the other end.


The machine sucked a returned Netflix mailer into the system, slice open the envelope, identify and clean the disc inside, check that it worked and reinsert it into the sleeve. That disc was then returned to storage or shipped out to another customer.


About 3,400 discs zip through the rental return machine each hour, five times as many as when teams of Netflix employees used to process the discs by hand. Called the Amazing Arm, the machine symbolizes the way Netflix has managed to maintain a profitable physical DVD operation even as it transforms itself into a global streaming service.


Netflix now counts more than 65 million streaming members in more than 50 countries and plans to expand across the world in the next 18 months. But that breakneck growth comes at a cost: The company expects its streaming business to just break even globally through 2016 as it pours billions of dollars into content and an aggressive expansion.


Helping fuel that expansion is the company's dwindling, often ignored DVD-by-mail operation, viewed by many as an anachronism in an era of lightning-fast streaming.


圖擷自Netflix DVD

Netflix has 5.3 million DVD subscribers, a significant falloff from its peak of about 20 million in 2010; still, the division continues to churn out hundreds of millions of dollars in profit each year. And behind the scenes, engineers are trying to improve customer service and streamline the labor-intensive process of returning, sorting and shipping millions of DVDs each week.


The group has kept a core base of customers, particularly in rural zones with lackluster Internet service and among people who want access to the breadth of its selection. To hold on to those customers – and the profits they bring – Netflix continues to deploy innovative technologies that help trim costs and improve customer service.


"Embrace change – that's what I've learned here," said Hank Breeggemann, general manager of Netflix's DVD division.


If anything, the Netflix story is one of perpetual change. The software executives Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph founded Netflix in 1997 to offer online movie rentals by mail. Netflix introduced streaming in 2007 and plans to be fully global by 2017.


Netflix's transformation has been rocky at times, but its evolution has become an example of how companies can adapt, tapping their legacy businesses to fuel growth in new areas as the ground underneath them shifts.


The process required juggling two cultures, one with fast-paced growth and the other in long-term decline, as well as investing in new initiatives, many of which did not work, executives said.


The hurdles are often significant, and few companies make the jump. Only about 10 percent of the companies that appeared on the original Fortune 500 in 1955 remain on the list today.


"That ability to move while the plane is flying from a tailwind to a headwind is challenging, and Reed has done an amazing job of making those changes," said Tim Armstrong, chief executive of AOL, which struggled through a transformation of its own – from a subscription-based Internet service to an ad-supported digital media business. When AOL was sold to Verizon Communications in June, most of its profits still came from its legacy subscription business.


Four years ago, Mr. Hastings said one of his greatest fears was that the company would not make the leap from DVDs to streaming. Netflix was then suffering from its disastrous attempt to raise prices and split into two companies – one for its DVD mailing group, another for streaming. About a million customers canceled their subscriptions, while Netflix's share price plummeted to less than $53 from $300.


Within months, Netflix had abandoned the separation. But behind the scenes, it divided the company in two. The streaming side focused on luring subscribers around the globe and producing original series like the political drama "House of Cards," while the DVD division focused on managing the subscriber decline of the mail service by making it more efficient. The two groups have separate management teams, headquarters that are 40 kilometers apart and different employee incentives.


Most companies that are great at something, Mr. Hastings said in a 2011 blog post, during the company's tumultuous period, "do not become great at new things people want (streaming for us) because they are afraid to hurt their initial business."


He added, "Companies rarely die from moving too fast, and they frequently die from moving too slowly."


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