India is located in Asia between the Middle East and China. It has a long and fascinating history. India is also quickly becoming a wealthy country thanks to its rapidly developing economy. Over 6,000 years ago, the people living in the Indus River basin built up a unique and thriving civilization. It transformed the entire area into a center of trade and religion and allowed for hundreds of years of wealth and prosperity. Some say that this Indus civilization was just as vibrant as ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt. Culturally, it produced many of the world's important religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. Some say that this Indus civilization was just as vibrant as ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt. Culturally, it produced many of the world's important religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. In 1857, the people of India grew tired of foreign domination and rebelled against the British East India Company, a British monopoly that controlled most of India at the time. The rebellion ultimately failed. As a result, Great Britain absorbed India as a formal colony of the British Empire. India would not remain a colony forever. During the first half of the 20th century, millions of Indians participated in a nationwide political movement led by Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi organized peaceful demonstrations of civil disobedience that were aimed at resisting British rule. On August 15, 1947, India finally gained its independence, and on January 26, 1950, it became the Republic of India. India has gone through many important economic changes and reforms. If you consider India's purchasing power, it is now the sixth largest economy in the world. It also has a youthful population that will continue to drive economic growth over the next decade. Yet India is also grappling with some big problems, such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition. Like many other Asian countries, there is a growing wealth gap between people who live in the countryside and those who live in the city. These are some of the problems that future governments will need to tackle. 印度位於中東與中國之間的亞洲地帶,擁有悠久迷人的歷史。也因其迅速發展的經濟狀態,印度竄升為豐饒國家。 超過六千年前,印度河盆地的居民孕育出欣欣向榮的獨特文明。此文明讓該地區搖身一變,成為貿易與宗教中樞,並且享盡幾百年來的富庶安逸生活。 有人說,印度河文明的榮景可媲美古美索不達米亞或古埃及。以文化的角度而言,印度河文明是許多世界重要宗教的發源地,如印度教、佛教與錫克教。 不過,當亞利安人於西元前1500年入侵印度河流域後,印度河文明的「黃金時代」隨即告終。之後亦發生多次外族入侵事件,包括波斯人、希臘人、蒙古人,最後是歐洲商船與英國的殖民統治。 1857年,印度人民開始厭倦外族統治,奮而起身反抗當時獨佔印度的英國東印度公司。然而抗爭行動最終失敗,大不列顛也因此正式將印度納入大英帝國殖民地的版圖。 但是印度不甘永遠淪為殖民地。20世紀上半葉,上百萬名印度人參與甘地所帶領的全國政治運動。甘地組織了公民不服從的和平抗爭運動,表達反抗英國統治的訴求。1947年8月15日,印度終於獨立,並於1950年1月26日正式更名為印度共和國。 印度歷經許多重要的經濟變遷與改革。如果你對印度的購買力有疑慮,印度現在可謂全球規模第六大的經濟體。且年輕的人口結構,亦能於未來十年持續推動印度的經濟成長率。 然而,印度尚有貧窮、文盲與營養不良等棘手問題待處理。與其他亞洲國家一樣,城鄉之間的人民貧富差距日益懸殊,這都是政府將來需要好好正視的問題。 |