2018年8月20日 星期一

Mission Critical: Dino Bird  關鍵任務 —— 恐龍鳥

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2018/08/21 第364期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Mission Critical: Dino Bird 關鍵任務 —— 恐龍鳥
Learn about this giant bird that is as dangerous as its dinosaur ancestors.

圖文提供: 國家地理




   Australia is home to amazing and strange animals that are some of the deadliest on Earth. The southern cassowary is no exception. It rules the jungles of New Guinea and northeastern Australia. However, their populations have been dropping all across their range. National Geographic film crews traveled to one of the oldest rainforests in the world to track this giant bird to find out why in Mission Critical: Dino Bird.
   The southern cassowary is a giant, flightless bird that looks like something which belongs in the age of the dinosaurs. Its neck is bright blue and red, and it has a large,
bony crest on top of its head. Standing nearly 190 centimeters tall and weighing in at around 85 kilograms, these birds are the biggest thing in the rainforest. As if that weren't enough, these dangerous birds have a large, knife-like claw on each foot. Though they eat mostly fruit, they are still really dangerous when in danger or scared. Cassowaries have even been known to use their powerful legs to kill both dogs and people. This month, National Geographic heads to Australia to follow a cassowary named Bertha in Mission Critical: Dino Bird.





































   澳洲是地球上某些最致命的稀奇古怪動物的發源地。南方鶴鴕也不例外。牠主掌新幾內亞和澳洲東北部的叢林。然而,牠們的數量卻在全面減少中。在《關鍵任務 —— 恐龍鳥》中,國家地理的攝影團隊來到世上最古老的雨林之一來追蹤這種巨鳥,以找出原因。
   南方鶴鴕是一種巨大而不具飛行能力的鳥類,看起來就像是恐龍時代的產物。牠的脖子上有鮮藍色和紅色,而且牠的頭頂還有一個很大的骨盔。這些鳥的身高直逼一百九十公分,重約八十五公斤,是雨林裡最龐大的動物。好像這樣還不夠厲害似的,這些危險鳥兒的每隻腳上還有一個刀般的巨爪。雖然牠們主要以水果為食,但牠們在生命受到威脅或是受到驚嚇時仍十分危險。鶴鴕甚至以用牠們強而有力的雙腳殺死狗和人而聞名。本月國家地理在《關鍵任務 —— 恐龍鳥》中,前往澳洲去跟拍一隻名為貝莎的鶴鴕。


▼ deadly a. 致命的
▼ southern cassowary
n. 南方鶴鴕
▼ flightless
a. 不能飛的
▼ crest
n. 骨盔;(鳥的)羽冠


1. be no exception  不例外
Most products need advertising, and books are no exception.

2. jungle n.(熱帶)叢林
The soldiers wore special uniforms to blend into the jungle.

3. population n.(某地區的某類)動/植物總數;人口
That country accounts for more than one-fourth of the world's population.
* account for...  占(一定數量或比例)

4. bony a. 骨質的;多骨的;骨瘦如柴的
Theodore hates to eat milkfish because they're too bony.
* milkfish n. 虱目魚

5. weigh in at...  重達……;(在賽前)測得……體重
The boxers weigh in at 220 pounds each.

6. in danger  面臨危險
You'll be in danger if you don't follow the lab safety rules.










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