2018年8月9日 星期四


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2018/08/10 第422期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 何謂全球化?
【本月發燒書】 挑戰新制多益聽力滿分:模擬試題1000題
【好康情報局】 挑戰多益無設限,2018 寂天新制多益書展─單書79折,套書66折起
口語會話 Follow me

【口語會話 Follow me 】

What's even worse is... 更慘的是......

A: It's such a shame that Victor's boat was damaged during the typhoon.
B: What's even worse is he doesn't have any insurance on it.

A: 颱風把維多的船吹壞了,真倒楣。
B: 更慘的是,他的船沒有保險。

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何謂全球化?What is Globalization?

Globalization is "a set of processes that are integrating economic, cultural, political, and social systems around the world."

While globalization is not a new phenomenon, political and technological developments over the past 60 years have spurred enormous increases in international trade, investment, and migration, entering the world into an unprecedented stage of economic and cultural development. International trade has increased 20 times since 1950, and foreign direct investment is set to hit a record $1.5 trillion.

Globalization continues to be driven by policies that promote free trade. Since the 1980s, many countries have adopted free market economic systems that have increased their productivity and created countless opportunities for investment. Governments have negotiated dramatic reductions in barriers to trade and have established international agreements to promote trade in goods, services, and investment. This global industrial and financial structure has generated wealth on an unparalleled scale. Over a period of only 20 years, more than 250 million Chinese and 103 million Indians rose from desperate poverty to enter the ranks of the middle class. No other anti-poverty program in history has come close to such success!

Technology is another driver of globalization. The Internet has transformed the world of business by allowing investors, individuals, businesses, and corporations to identify and pursue economic opportunities around the world. This includes faster and better analyses of economic trends, easy transfers of assets, and collaboration with far-flung partners. Emerging country stock markets are up 50% in 2007 alone, and many predict these markets will continue to outperform their developed-world counterparts.


然而全球化並不是新現象,過去60年政治與科技發展刺激國際貿易、投資與移民的大幅成長,已使世界經濟與文化發展儼然進入一個空前的階段。國際貿易自1950 年來成長20 倍,而海外直接投資(foreign direct investment) 也創下1.5 兆美元的紀錄。

全球化持續受到提倡自由貿易政策的影響。從1980 年代開始,許多國家因採用自由市場經濟體系受惠,生產力增長,也創造了無數投資機會。政府的協商大幅度降低貿易壁壘,並制訂國際協定來推廣商品、服務與投資的交易。全球產業與經濟結構帶來空前未有的財富規模。短短20 年間,中國有超過2 億5000 萬人口、印度有1 億300 萬人口,從窮困潦倒晉升中產階級行列。歷史上沒有任何一個反貧窮方案可以達到如此的成功。

科技是促成全球化的另一動力。網際網路給予投資者、個人、企業與法人公司辨明並追求全球的經濟機會,改變了全球經濟形態。方法包括對經濟趨勢做出更快、更完善的分析、提供資產便利轉移,與世界各地夥伴間的共同合作。新興國家股市光在2007 年就上漲50%,許多人預測這些新興市場的表現將會持續勝出其他已開發國家。

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