Outstanding Payment到底是什麼款項 Jackie是一名外商藥廠業務,有天她打開email收到同事的信件只寫了一句話:"Please collect outstanding customer payments.Thanks."
Outstanding跟Payment是在說這個客戶的單很大,所以很outstanding?千萬別這樣以為,outstanding payment的意思是,「尚未付款的款項」,outstanding除了傑出的、卓越的,還可以表示「未支付的」、「未完成的」。
We would greatly appreciate you fixing up the outstanding money as soon as possible.(請盡速完成付款,誠摯感謝。) Our company has five million in outstanding debts.(我們公司還有5百萬的積欠款項。) There are still two financial problems outstanding.(還有兩個尚未解決的財務問題。) 英文的Payment怎麼「收」 我們已經收到款項了。 (X) The payment/money has reached us. (O) The payment/money has been received. = We received the payment/money. (O) The payment/money has arrived.
Receive 收到、聽見、接(人) Did you receive my letter?(你有收到我的信嗎?) I received a phone call from school.(我接到學校打來的電話。) Thanks for receiving me so late at the airport.(謝謝你這麼晚還到機場接我。) Reach (努力)達到、延伸 They won't reach Lhasa until midnight.(午夜他們才會抵達拉薩。) My daughter wanted me to help her reach some books on the shelf.(我女兒要我幫她拿書架上的書。) Arrive 抵達:具體+抽象距離 We arrived in Taipei last night.(我們昨晚抵達台北。) An email I sent was delayed or didn't arrive.(是延遲寄出了還是對方沒收到。) My purchase hasn't arrived.(我買的東西還沒來。)
「達成共識」是一種A到B點的「收」 達成共識是一種共同意志的「收」斂,因為大家的意見已經朝著同一個方向,所以這時用arrive或者reach都可以,因為arrive、reach都有隱含從A到B點的意思。
Reach/arrive at a decision, agreement, conclusion Please inform me when a conclusion has been arrived at/been reached.(達成共識之後再請通知我。) Have you arrived at a decision?(你們已經決定好了嗎?) We will reach a decision tomorrow.(我們明天會決定好。)
三個月英文脫胎換骨的一對一:http://goo.gl/5eIOmf |