2017年7月10日 星期一

Mission Critical: Leopards at the Door 關鍵任務 —— 豹子上門

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2017/07/11 第306期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Mission Critical: Leopards at the Door  關鍵任務 —— 豹子上門
An award-winning photographer travels to one of the world's biggest cities to save an endangered species of big cat.


  When photographers and camera crews for the National Geographic go out to film wild animals and nature, it's not just a job; it's a critical mission. They go to some of the toughest environments on the planet to help save endangered animals from disappearing forever. This month on National Geographic's Mission Critical: Leopards at the Door, award-winning photographer Steve Winter uses his years of experience to track down leopards.
  This time, Winter is not tracking them through the jungle. Instead, he's working on the edge of one of the world's largest cities—Mumbai, India. He sets up his cameras in Sanjay Gandhi National Park, which is home to many species of wild animals, including at least 21 leopards. Unlike many national parks that are deep in the wilderness, this one is surrounded on three sides by an urban center of around 20 million people. Winter and his crew have come here to show how these dangerous animals can live next to people in relative peace. Find out what it is like to have a big cat roaming around in your backyard this month on National Geographic's Mission Critical: Leopards at the Door.


  國家地理的攝影師和攝影團隊外出拍攝野生動物與大自然時,那就不只是工作而已了;這是一項關鍵性的任務。他們到地球上一些最惡劣的環境中,幫忙拯救瀕臨絕種的動物,防止牠們絕跡。這個月在國家地理的《關鍵任務 —— 豹子上門》中,得獎攝影師史帝夫?溫特利用他多年來的經驗來追蹤到花豹。
  這一次,溫特沒有在叢林裡追蹤牠們。相反地,他在世界最大的城市之一 —— 印度的孟買市邊緣執行任務。他把攝影機架設在桑賈伊?甘地國家公園,這座國家公園是多種野生動物的棲息地,包括至少二十一隻豹。不像許多位於荒野深處的國家公園,這一座國家公園被擁有兩千萬人口的市中心三面環繞著。溫特和他的工作團隊曾經來這裡證明這些危險動物如何能相當和平地與人類比鄰而居。這個月在國家地理的《關鍵任務 —— 豹子上門》中,體驗一下有隻大貓在你家後院四處閒逛是什麼樣的感覺。

  1. critical a. 關鍵性的;嚴重的
    Although he was in critical condition, the patient seemed to be in good spirits.
  2. film vt. 拍攝影片,把……拍成電影
    The famous actor is filming a comedy in France.
  3. tough a. 艱難/困的;棘手的
    By working hard, John finally succeeded in passing the tough exam.
  4. track down... / track...down  追蹤/追查到……
    Many orphans try to track down their birth parents.
  5. jungle n.(熱帶)叢林
    HIV may have come from the jungles of Africa.
  6. relative a. 比較性的,相對/相關的
    Rick drove his BMW with relative ease through the crowded streets of LA.
    瑞克蠻輕鬆地開著他的 BMW 穿過擁擠的洛杉磯街道。

leopard n. 豹
endangered a. 瀕臨絕種/危險的
wilderness n. 荒野,不毛之地
roam vi. 閒逛,漫步 & vt. 打量

常春藤歡慶29周年!Happy Birthday!


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