2017年7月13日 星期四


【會計研究月刊電子報】解讀財務、會計、金融、稅務等趨勢走向,讓你掌握財經專業脈動,開拓國際視野! 【阿布拉電子報】分享文學性、藝術性與兒童性兼具的兒童繪本,並希望透過繪本和你一起發現孩子的世界。
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2017/07/14 第367期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 移居新社區
【本月發燒書】 新多益英文文法訓練書BASIC
【好康情報局】 英日語旅遊書全攻略│全面79折!

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移居新社區 Moving to a New Community

Some people live in the same places for their entire lives. They grow up, find jobs, and become old in the same city or town.

But other people move from place to place. They move to a nearby city or another state. Some people even move to different countries. We call these people immigrants.

So why do people move to a new community? Mostly, they are looking for opportunities to improve their lives. An opportunity is a chance for something better to happen. People often move to find a better life for themselves or their children. And some people even move to another country to seek freedom.

So what can people do in a new community? They can find new jobs, get a better education, or make friends. They can also try to become a part of it. They should obey the community’s laws and respect other people so that the community becomes a good place to live.

有些人一輩子都生活在同一個地方,他們在同一個城市或鄉鎮 成長、找工作,並在那裡年華老去。




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