2017年7月6日 星期四


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2017/07/07 第366期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 種族大熔爐
【本月發燒書】 12堂飯店人員專業英文必修課
【好康情報局】 英日語旅遊書全攻略│全面79折!
口語會話 Follow me

It's acceptable.

A: What do you think of the report that I did?
B: It's acceptable.

A: 你覺得我的報告如何?
B: 還可以接受。

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美國:民族的大熔爐 A Nation of Diversity

The United States is sometimes called a nation of immigrants. People from many different countries and races live there. It took centuries for the United States to become a multicultural society. And the country's people did not come from all over the world at the same time. In fact, immigration to America happened in various stages.

After Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492, many Europeans started to move to America. The first Europeans to come to America were English, Germans, Irish, Dutch, and French. Many Africans started coming as well. But they were slaves, so they were brought to America against their will.

Then, between 1880 and 1924, a second wave of immigrants poured into the United States. Many of these newcomers came from Southern and Eastern European countries, including Italy, Poland, and Russia. Since the late 1800s, Asian immigrants—people from China, Japan, Korea, and other countries—have streamed into the western United States.

While the first immigrants often spread out to rural areas, later immigrants concentrated in the cities. For instance, New York and Boston were homes to Italian and Jewish immigrants, the largest ethnic groups in the second wave of immigrants. Chicago was home to a mixture of many races and nationalities.

Today, the United States has citizens from almost every country. But not all nationalities have always gotten along with each other. Immigrants sometimes encountered discrimination. Early immigrants, such as English settlers, Irish, and Germans, shared much with English culture. However, later immigrants were very different. They spoke different languages and had different religions and customs. Some people who were already well settled disliked more poor newcomers arriving. As a result, social discrimination against blacks, Jews, Asians, and other ethnic groups continued into the 1900s.

However, the U.S. government passed laws to end discrimination in the 1960s. Now, all people are treated fairly no matter what race they are. So, most Americans live together in harmony.


克里斯多夫 · 哥倫布於西元1492 年發現美洲大陸之後,許多歐洲人開始動身前往美洲。最早抵達美洲大陸的歐洲人有英國人、德國人、愛爾蘭人、荷蘭人和法國人。許多非洲人接踵而至,但他們卻是以奴隸的身分被迫來到美洲大陸。

接下來在西元1880 到1924 年間,第二波移民潮湧入美 國。這些新移民有許多來自南歐和東歐國家,包括義大利、波蘭和俄羅斯。自1800 年代晚期,從中國、日本、韓國和其他國家來的亞洲移民,陸續移入美國西部。


如今,美國公民幾乎涵蓋了各國人種,但並非所有民族都能融洽相處,這些移民有時面臨種族歧視。早期的移民,如英國 殖民者、愛爾蘭人和德國人,擁有許多共同的英國文化;然而,晚期移民則有許多相異之處,他們說不同的語言,有不同的宗教信仰和習俗。一些已在當地安定下來的人,並不歡迎更 多的貧窮新移民到來,也因此形成了對黑人、猶太人、亞洲人 和其他種族的社會歧視,直至1900 年代仍未消減。

然而,美國政府在1960 年代通過了廢除種族歧視的法案, 如今所有人民不分種族都能享有公平待遇,因此多數美國人已能和諧共處。

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