2016年2月14日 星期日


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2016/02/15第233期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

簡介:◎ 圖解各式麵包 ◎ on the go 為何義? ◎ 「一時的流行」英文怎麼說?

Baking Up a Fortune in Taiwan

Several films in recent years, like The Soul of Bread (2012) and 27°C - Loaf Rock (2013), have portrayed the growing enthusiasm for bread in Taiwan. They also offer solid proof of the effort and capital that Taiwanese people are willing to invest in this "golden industry."

Taiwanese bread can be categorized into two types: one consists of traditional Taiwanese flavors like spring onion, butter and pork floss. The other type grew out of Japanese influence and includes varieties now standard in common bakeries, such as red bean rolls and pineapple-shaped sweet buns. With the rise of living standards, people have become interested in refined and exotic tastes, so bakeries specializing in French and Japanese baked goods have cropped up. Moreover, French baguettes, croissants and curry bread can now be found in ordinary bread shops. A new trend in healthy eating has popularized German-style wholegrain breads like rye, whole wheat and multigrain.

In 2008, Wu Pao-chun's use of local Taiwanese ingredients in European-style bread quickly became a fad, causing a 20-percent rise in sales of European-style bread within a six-month period in 2010. By the end of 2015, there were almost 10,000 bakeries registered in Taiwan, a number larger than that of 7-Elevens and FamilyMarts combined. The bread industry, including the suppliers and retailers, was worth NT$106.3 billion in 2014. Customers are willing to pay more for bread; NT$200-loaves are not rare, and even a loaf of bread priced at close to NT$1,000 can find buyers. Recently, many foreign bakeries have sensed the business opportunity, opening branches in Taiwan.


2008 年,吳寶春在歐式麵包中使用台灣本土食材的作法快速蔚為風潮,使得 2010 年半年內歐式麵包的銷量就成長兩成。截至 2015 年底,台灣登記營業的麵包店直逼一萬間,數量超過 7-11 和全家便利商店的加總店數。包含供應商和零售商在內的麵包產業,2014 年產值為新台幣 1,063 億元。現在消費者願意花多一點錢在麵包上,兩百元的麵包不稀奇,甚至一條接近千元的麵包也有人買。近來許多外國的麵包店業者嗅到商機,也紛紛在台灣開設分店。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.146 2月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2016/02/15(一) Can you clarify your pricing structure?
2016/02/16(二) Could you please clarify what is meant by this section of the contract?
2016/02/17(三) I can't guarantee that I'll be able to complete the assignment ahead of schedule.
2016/02/18(四) Everyone likes a bit of chitchat but you shouldn't let it get personal.
2016/02/19(五) If you really need to vent about a colleague or a workplace grievance, it's best to do so outside the office.
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