2015年9月14日 星期一


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2015/09/14 第156期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份




a)   散發

b)  充滿陽光

c)   回收


Have you ever seen a company that a) emits the spirits of office, home and nature at the same time? The Honest Company, an American eco-friendly goods startup, is this unique type of company. Actress Jessica Alba co-founded it in 2011 on this ambitious idea: “Everything that touches you and your family--everything in your home--needs to be nontoxic, needs to be effective and beautiful to look at, and needs to be affordable.”



Located in Santa Monica, California, their headquarters not only consists of beautiful, b) sun-filled offices, but also serves as living proof of a futuristic corporate culture. Inside, you’ll see plenty of “Honest” products and logos. There’s a large common area with long tables at which employees can have lunch. To one side is a show room where all of the Honest Company’s products are on display.


When Alba, Brian Lee, and another two partners started the company, they had 17 products that were all 1) geared toward the young mother. “We strategically decided to go in baby and family first because we knew that was an area of awakening for a lot of mothers, like my own wife,” said Lee, CEO of the Honest Company. Four years later, their company is 2) going from strength to strength, selling about 100 products covering all aspects of the home.


There’s a distinctly homey feel throughout the space. Alba, who played a major role in the office design, wanted the conference room to feel like a living room. A 3) rule of thumb in here is recycling. The table was made from c) reclaimed wood.


A huge perk of having your office in Los Angeles is the nice weather all year round. The company built a patio so that employees could sunbathe during their lunch break. And better yet, they are free to bring garden vegetables home to their families.



1. Gear toward 為某特定對象而設計
Gear 當動詞有適應,適合之意,和介係詞to 連用。Electronic products should be geared to demand. 電子產品應與需求相適應。 Gear toward 意思是朝向某特定族群而設計之意。

The workshops are geared towards professional people. 這研討會是為專業人士設計。

2. Go from strength to strength  蒸蒸日上

Tom’s company is going from strength to strength, as he has recruited many talented people to work for him. 湯姆的公司蒸蒸日上,因為他雇用許多有才華的人為他工作。

3. Rule of thumb  守則
Thumb 是「拇指」,意指「做事情時,作為依據的大原則」。

A rule of thumb in the banking industry is “courtesy,” and no bank can make a pretty penny without observing it. 金融業一大原則是「要有禮貌」,任何銀行想要大賺一筆,須加以遵守。


  1. Sun is down and moon is going to rise. 太陽下山了,月亮將升起。
  2. Lily won Steven purely by chance. 莉莉僥倖贏了史蒂芬。
  3. Juliet finally married with Romeo last year. 茱麗葉終於在去年嫁給了羅密歐。
  4. The policeman is regarded as the mother of the people. 警察被視作人民的母親。
  5. Nobody besides Jennifer wants to make friends with Jimmy. 除了珍妮佛外,沒人想和吉米做朋友。


  1. The sun is setting and the moon is going to rise. 講到太陽、月亮、地球…等世界上獨一無二的事物,前面須加定冠詞the。
  2. Lily defeated Steven purely by chance. win解作「贏」時,後面不可以接人作賓語,所以應該改為defeat或beat。
  3. Juliet finally married Romeo last year. marry不用被動語態、且解釋為「和…結婚」時,是及物動詞,其後不須加介系詞with。
  4. The police are regarded as the mother of the people. policeman是指某位警察,police才是集合名詞,表示「警方、警察當局」,且搭配複數動詞。
  5. Nobody except Jennifer wants to make friends with Jimmy. besides和except都是「除...之外」,但前者包括了所指物件,後者則不包括。

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