購買車票 在國外旅遊搭乘大眾運輸工具,學會各類票種的英文,不用擔心買錯票! 一般車票都會以距離和旅遊時間來區分,以下是常見的幾種票種: 1. 單程票(Single Ticket )如果只到某地,之後不會再搭車,買單程票就是最划算的選擇。 2. 來回票(Return Ticket)如果回程確定了,建議在買票時就買來回票,通常比兩張單程票便宜,亦可省下再次買票的麻煩。 3. 區間票如果只在某個區域活動,可買此票種,如搭乘倫敦地鐵遊覽倫敦,就可買Zone 1與Zone 2兩區的週票,可在使用期限內於該區內任何站隨意進出。巴黎的地鐵也有此票種。 4. 一日票(One-Day Pass ; Daily Pass ; One-Day Travel Card)如果想在某地到處觀光,一天內會不斷出入地鐵站,此票種方便又划算。 5. 週票及月票(Weekly Pass & Monthly Ticket)若待在某地時間較長,可根據停留時間購買週票或月票,有的會要求附一張照片以貼在車票上。 認識了各類票種,接著來學習如何應用在對話中吧! 1. I'd like to see a timetable. 我想看時刻表。 2. Can I buy a ticket on the train? 可以在車內買票嗎? 3. A one-way ticket to Chicago, please. 我要一張到芝加哥的單程票。 4. Two round-trip tickets to Boston, please. 我要兩張到波士頓的來回票。 5. Tickets for two adults to London, please. 我要兩張到倫敦的全票。 6. Two tickets for the 2:30 express. 兩點三十分的快車票兩張。 7. How much is the fare to Chicago? 到芝加哥要多少錢? 8. What's the round-trip fare? 來回票多少錢? 9. What's the express charge? 快車票多少錢? 10. What's the sleeper fare? 臥舖車票多少錢? 11. Do I have to make a reservation for a limited express train? 特快車需要先訂位嗎? 12. I'd like to reserve a seat to Chicago. 我要訂往芝加哥的票。 13 I'd like the lower berth. 我要下舖。〔上舖是upper berth〕 14. Does the train have a dining car? 這輛車上有餐車嗎? 15. Is this the right platform for the train to Chicago? 往芝加哥的車在這個月台搭嗎? 16. Which platform should I use to take the A train? A車在哪個月台? 17. Which track does the train to Las Vegas leave from? 前往拉斯維加斯的火車是在哪一側? 18. How many train stops to San Diego? 聖地牙哥是第幾站? 19. Is this the local or express train? 這列是普通車,還是快車? 20. Does the express train stop at Osaka? 這列快車有停大阪嗎? 21. How long does it take to get to Boston? 到波士頓要多久時間? 22. What time does this train get to L.A.? 這班車幾點到洛杉磯? 23. Where are the reserved seats? 預訂席在哪裡? 24. I took the wrong train. At which station should I get off? 我搭錯車了,要在哪一站下車才好呢? 25. At which station should I change trains? 我應該在哪一站轉車呢? |