法國人的抱怨精神 The Joy of Complaining in French Culture MAY.24,2021/Enjoy Editors
在法國,對話經常是以大嘆一口氣作為開頭。接著說話的人可能會談到天氣有多糟。又或者他們會抱怨吵鬧的鄰居。這些例子可能讓人感覺法國人總是心情不好。不過在法國,抱怨的這門藝術是個極受重視的傳統。 In France, conversations frequently begin with a long sigh. Then, the person might talk about how bad the weather is. Or, they may complain about a noisy neighbor. These examples might make it seem like the French are always in a bad mood. Yet in France, the art of complaining is a well-appreciated tradition. |