做自己的時間管理大師 ── 番茄鐘工作法 Managing Time with the Pomodoro Technique OCT.19,2020/Enjoy Editors In work, as well as in life, doing what needs to be done in order to reach our goals can be difficult. Without a good system in place, it is easy to lose focus, waste time, and lose track of our most important tasks. Luckily, one of the most efficient and most popular time management techniques is also one of the world's simplest—the Pomodoro Technique. 在工作和生活中,為了達成目標而執行所需要完成的事可能會有難度。若沒有備妥一個好的做事方法,我們很容易就會失去專注力、 浪費時間,並且無法掌握那些最重要的事務。幸好,世上最有效率且最流行的時間管理技巧之一,恰巧也是最簡單可行的一種方法,那就是番茄鐘工作法。 |