2019年6月10日 星期一


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2019/06/10第311期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網
�砍�典撥�剁� �����穿������啣���靽�霅瑁��
撱嗡撓摮貊�嚗� �寥����
�望�����餌�嚗� 瘥��乩���
瘣餃��敹恍��嚗� HIW+憟���
A Smooth Mix
��Ben Bousada

Dogs are known to help humans with protecting farm animals, finding illegal drugs, and rescuing people during natural disasters. But did you know that dogs can also be trained to help protect plants and animals?
Due to their keen sense of smell and their high energy level, dogs can be taught to look for invasive species that endanger local plants and animals. For example, in the United States, over 50 million ash trees have been killed by a particular type of beetle originating from Asia. The females of these insects lay their eggs in the cracks of the tree��s bark. Their young feed on the wood, killing the tree. Since these insects are almost impossible for humans to locate, dogs have been brought in to sniff them out so that humans can take action.
Similarly, dogs protect animals that are endangered by poachers. From shark��s fin to tiger fur, animal products are sold and traded around the world. But dogs�� smelling for these products at borders can make those items harder to sell, which means fewer animals are likely to be killed.



�� 閰喟敦�扳��隢�蝧駁�將O.218 6����Live鈭����梯���隤� ��
break dancing

�箔�霈�憟折�����游僑頛���嚗�鈭���鈭���撟游毀暺�憟折��蝐�憪���������憟批�����霅唳�啣��������殷����交�舫�寥������銵�瘚芥����撗拙��皛��選���蝯�蝯���撠��潔���鈭���撟游����剜������銝虫��舫�寥����蝚砌�甈∟◤��霅啣尼�����殷��拙�典�餃僑�踵�孵遠撣�摰�隢暹�航�曉�拇�航��颲衣����憟扳��嚗�Youth Olympic Games嚗�撠望��甇日���桐���

propose v. ��霅�
improvisational adj. �唾����
surfing n. 銵�瘚芷����
skateboarding n. 皛��輸����
sport climbing n. phr. ������撗�

We stopped to watch the kids doing break dancing on the street corner.
�寥����嚗���蝔勗�唳�輯��嚗�撅祆�潸���嚗�street dance嚗���銝�蝔殷����拇�銵��潮��鋆�����銝�鋆�蝢���撟渲�鈭箔���嚗��寥������蝔梁�槓reaking��b-boying��b-girling��

�� �餃����嚗�hip-hop嚗�嚗��箏��蝔株�����蝯梁迂
�� 璈�璇啗��嚗�popping嚗�嚗�銋�蝔望��刻��嚗����梯����餈����唳�嗥葬���暸�嚗�雿輯����頨恍���������頩�
�� ����嚗�locking嚗�嚗���憿臭���頨急���刻��頩���雿�
�� �琿狩��嚗�reggae嚗�嚗�閮勗��舫�冽�剖������雿�

2019/6/10 (銝�)

The hermit would speak only with common people, so the king had to disguise himself in ordinary clothes.

2019/6/11 (鈭�)

The most important time is the present, as it's the only time we have the power to act.

2019/6/12 (銝�)

Dogs are known to help humans with protecting farm animals, finding illegal drugs, and rescuing people during natural disasters.

2019/6/13 (��)

For protecting endangered species in so many ways, dogs certainly deserve our thanks.

2019/6/14 (鈭�)

Besides Big Macs, another odd indicator of an economy's health is lipstick.

�寞�寧雯 ��撟湔��(180憭�)
�亥�憭批��閫�1撟�12�� +�亥�憭批��閫�蝟餃��憟���(��4��)


鈭����交�祈���隤�1撟�12�� + �梯���隤�(5����1)1撟�12��
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