That store is on sale不是指店裡在特價!破解5種英文雙關語的隱藏含意
Frank分享他剛去美國唸書時的笑話。他在學校遇到一群同學,那天沒有課,於是他大聲說”I have no class today.”話一出口,連自己都覺得好笑。
Have no class除了「沒課」之外,也有「沒品、沒水準」的意思。這個雙關語,還有人把它印成T恤在亞馬遜的網站上販售。Class可以當品味,是不可數,例如:She dresses with a lot of class. 她穿著很有品味。
為了要避免雙關語的尷尬,「我今天沒有課」,就用:I don’t have a class today.
1. 我可以再來一份嗎?
(X) Can I get another one?
(O) One more, please.
(O) Could I have one more (cake)?
如果在餐廳和服務人員說“Can I get another one?",他可能會很驚訝問你“Is there any problem?”(怎麼了嗎?)因為“Can I get another one?"通常指「我不要這個,而要另一個。」
This salad looks old. Can I get another one? 這沙拉看起來不新鮮,可以給我換一份嗎?
I dropped my spoon. Can I get another one? 我湯匙掉在地上,可以給我新的嗎?
2. 我是楊先生介紹來的。
(X) Mr. Yang introduced me to you.
(O) Mr. Yang referred me to you.
introduce必須用在介紹人也在場的情況,例:Allow me to introduce my co-worker Tina to you.(容我向您介紹我的同事Tina),若是中間人不在場,是「轉介」,用refer。
3. 那家店在打折,你想過去看看嗎?
(X) That store is on sale. Do you want to go over and take a look?
(O) That store is having a sale. Do you want to go over and take a look?
若要說「某家店的商品正在打折」,不能直接把on sale加在店家的後面,否則會變成這家店本身要出售,正確用法是have a sale。
4. 我想要申請市話。
(X) I want to apply for a telephone number.
(O) I want to apply for a telephone line.
申請市內電話,由於申請的是電話線路服務(電話號碼是申請完的結果),所以應該說apply for a telephone line。