恆溫度物與變溫動物 Warm-Blooded vs. Cold-Blooded Animals |
All animals are either warm-blooded or cold-blooded. This refers to how the animals maintain their body temperature. Warm-blooded animals can regulate their body temperature. So, even if it is very cold outside, their bodies will stay warm. But warm-blooded animals have to eat a lot of food. They use the food to produce energy. That helps keep their bodies warm. Mammals are warm-blooded, and so are birds. Cold-blooded animals rely upon the sun for heat. So their internal temperatures can change all the time. These animals often rest in the sun for hours. This lets their bodies soak up heat and become warm. Most coldblooded animals don’t live in cold places. They prefer hot places instead. Reptiles, amphibians, and fish are all cold-blooded. 所有的動物不是恆溫動物就是變溫動物,主要視牠們如何維持體溫而定。 恆溫動物可以控制自己的體溫,所以,就算室外很冷,牠們的身體仍能保持溫暖,但恆溫動物需要大量進食,牠們利用食物產生能量來維持體溫,哺乳類和鳥類都屬於恆溫動物。 變溫動物則靠陽光來獲取熱能,因此牠們的體溫一直隨著時間而變化,這些動物通常會在太陽底下休息好幾個小時,讓身體吸收熱能、變得溫暖。大部分的變溫動物不會居住在寒冷的地方,反之,它們會選擇溫暖的地方。爬蟲類、兩棲類以及魚類都屬於變溫動物。 |
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