The community of Dasyueshan (Great Snow Mountain) in Taichung City is known for its delicious fruit and beautiful tung flowers. But there's another sight that has people coming to Dasyueshan from all over Taiwan—fireflies. May is firefly season in Dasyueshan. When the sun goes down, the mountainside is blanketed with little floating orbs of warm light. It is a breathtaking sight, and one that brings thousands of tourists to this small aboriginal community every year. These tourists are an economic helping hand to the people of Dasyueshan, who are still recovering from the Jiji earthquake. Dasyueshan is a good example of the link between the natural environment and local livelihoods. Efforts are being made to protect this environment and make sure that tourists don’t cause any damage. Lights are turned off throughout the community during firefly season. Even car headlights are off-limits. Tourists must park their cars and walk the final 1,300 meters to the viewing area. When viewing fireflies, tourists are asked to follow the "five nos." These are: no chasing them, no catching them, no getting close to their homes, no loud noises, and no lights. 台中市的大雪山社區以可口水果與美麗的油桐花聞名。不過,令全台民眾慕名而來的另一大雪山美景,則非螢火蟲莫屬。 五月是大雪山的螢火蟲季,夕陽西下後,整片山頭都被小光點般四處飄移的螢火蟲覆蓋,這樣的美景令人屏息,每年也吸引了上千名遊客來到這小原住民社區。觀光活動帶動了大雪山的經濟發展,讓仍因集集大地震而重建家園的居民受惠。 大雪山完全是自然環境與人類生計之間取得平衡的最佳範本。大家致力保護這片淨土,確保遊客不會留下任何損害。螢火蟲季期間,整個大雪山社區均為熄燈狀態,連汽車大燈都不能開,遊客必須在距離賞螢景點1300公尺處下車步行至目的地。欣賞螢火蟲之美的同時,亦需遵守「五不規定」:不追逐、不捕捉、不靠近棲息地、不大聲喧嘩且不能點燈。 |