2018年11月19日 星期一

America Inside Out with Katie Couric  透視美國

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2018/11/20 第376期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

America Inside Out with Katie Couric 透視美國
Well-known journalist Katie Couric travels around America exploring the many important cultural questions of today.




   For many people in America, the past few years have seemed difficult or even hopeless. There have been serious cultural questions about inequality, race relations, police brutality, gender issues, and much more. With public protests, climate issues, and one of the most contested presidential elections in recent history, many Americans feel like they are under attack. National Geographic teamed up with one of the most respected names in journalism to deal with these questions head-on in America Inside Out with Katie Couric.
  National Geographic film crews went along with Couric as she toured the country interviewing people who are often ignored or forgotten in America. This six-part documentary series starts by talking about the idea of political correctness and the rights of free speech. She interviews people on all sides of the issue to really get a conversation going about this important topic in today’s culture. Couric’s goal is to get an open, honest discussion of the problems that America faces today. Tune in to National Geographic’s America Inside Out with Katie Couric to get the full story in this amazing documentary series.


















   對於許多美國人來說,過去幾年似乎過得很艱困甚至無助。關於種種不平等、種族關係、警察暴行及性別議題等各方面存在著嚴重的文化問題。又因為公眾抗議活動、氣候議題以及一場近代歷史上最具爭議的總統選舉,許多美國人覺得好像自己受到了攻擊。國家地理與新聞界最受敬重的名人之一 —— 凱蒂•庫瑞克合作,在《透視美國》中積極地探討這些問題。


1. relation n.(組織之間的)正式關係
in relation to...  有關……
This meeting’s aim is to encourage friendly relations between our two companies.
MC HotDog is going to give a lecture in relation to Chinese rap.
MC 熱狗要做一場關於中文饒舌歌的講座。
* lecture n. 講座,演講

2. protest n. 抗議 & vi. 抗議(與介詞 against 並用)& vt. 反對
Hundreds of workers united in protest against poor working conditions in the coal mine.
The people of Orchid Island protested against the dumping of nuclear waste on their island.
* nuclear a. 核能的

3. team up (with...)  (與……)合作/組成一隊
In order to save the planet, superheroes have to team up and defeat the bad guy.

4. head-on adv. 直接地(解決問題);迎面地
Try to handle your problems head-on instead of avoiding them.

5. crew n. 一隊工作人員;(全體的)工作人員
After we finished shooting the movie, the director threw a party for the whole cast and crew.

6. political a. 政治(上)的
Karen has some pretty strange political ideas.


▼ journalist n. 新聞記者;新聞工作者
▼ inequality n.(社會上的)不平等
▼ brutality n. 暴行,野蠻行為
▼ gender n. 性別
▼ contested a. 受爭議的
▼ presidential a. 與總統有關的
▼ journalism n. 新聞界
▼ documentary n. 紀錄片,紀實性節目







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