2017年6月7日 星期三

Spotted Lake 尋找夢奇地:加拿大斑點湖

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2017/06/02 第301期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Spotted Lake  尋找夢奇地:加拿大斑點湖
A saltwater lake in Canada fills with colored spots every summer.

  There are over 30,000 lakes in Canada, but only one has spots. The First Nations of the Okanagan region in British Columbia call the lake Kliluk, but in English, it's usually just called Spotted Lake. It is a saltwater lake that is not fed by rivers or streams. The water comes from underground sources and melting snow in the spring. When the dry summer comes, the lake starts to dry up. As the water disappears, the leftover salt appears in ring-shaped ponds of different colors, which are caused by other minerals in the lake. The effect is that around 400 multi-colored spots can be seen on the lake's surface.
  Keep in mind that it's not easy to visit this unique lake because it is privately owned by the First Nations. Even if a visitor gets permission to visit the lake from them, they still have to leave an offering for the lake itself, according to tradition. For anyone not able to visit the lake in person, though, there are nearby places to see the beautiful patterns of salt and minerals. There is even a helicopter tour. So if you're ever in Okanagan in the summer, maybe it's worth stopping by to see Spotted Lake.



  1. spotted a.(表面上)有斑點/圓點的
    A blue and white spotted carpet would fit in this living room very well.
  2. stream n. 小河,小溪
    Ally's dream house is located in a small valley with a tiny stream nearby.
  3. underground a. 地(底)下的
    The MRT in Taipei is not entirely an underground system.
  4. dry up  枯竭;耗盡
    The water in this lake has dried up over the years.
  5. surface n. 表面,外表
    Ted looks nice on the surface, but in fact he's rather selfish.
  6. privately adv. 非公眾地;私下地
    I would like to speak to you privately when you have a moment.
  7. in person  親自
    You'll have to fill out the form in person instead of doing it online.
  8. be worth N/V-ing  值得……
    be worth it  很值得(非正式用法)
    Kent has lots of baseball cards, some of which are worth thousands of dollars.
    The building was costly to construct, but it was completely worth it.

mineral n. 礦物質;礦物,礦產
multi- prefix 多的;多於一的
offering n. 供品,祭品
helicopter n. 直升機

本文 "Even if a visitor gets permission to visit the lake from them, ..." 中的片語 get permission to V 表「獲得許可做某事」,其中的名詞 permission 即為「允許,許可」;相關用法還有 ask / request permission、give permission、with / without permission,分別表「申請許可」、「允許」及「經由 / 未經許可」。例:

You should ask permission before taking pictures of other people.

Simon's dad accused him of borrowing the car without permission.

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