2017年6月16日 星期五

Count Down to Universiade! Sports Frenzy Hits Everyone; Come Experience Taipei’s Radiance

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2017/06/15 第173期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Taipei
Count Down to Universiade! Sports Frenzy Hits Everyone; Come Experience Taipei's Radiance
Count Down to Universiade! Sports Frenzy Hits Everyone; Come Experience Taipei's Radiance
The Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade, the highest-level international sports event ever seen in Taiwan, is about to take place in summery Taipei, a city on the blue oceanside. Top athletes will be gathering in this metropolis surrounded by mountains and sea. The sports-crazed locals are ready! Are you?

Making Taipei a Sports Mad Town

“Universiade” is derived from the two words: “University” and “Olympiade.” This event is being hosted by the International University Sports Federation (FISU), which holds multi-sport competitions for university athletes around the globe. Summer and winter Universiades are staged on a two-year cycle, hosted by a different city each time.

As an acclaimed international city, Taipei has the requisite safe environment for travelers, a convenient transportation network, and friendly, hospitable people. For over 10 years, Taipei has been striving to host the Universiade, and this year we finally made it. This athletic gala is the largest event Taipei has ever hosted, and will surely be a prime destination for university students from all over the world. Over 7,000 students will take part in 22 sports. It is not just a competition for the young athletes, but also a grand spectacle for everyone! Every proud Taipeier surely hopes this event establishes our great city as a true Mecca of sports.

Top Athletes From Different Countries Gather, Communicating Without Boundaries

Over twelve days in August 2017, the Taipei region will host the Universiade at 60 venues spread over 5 urban areas: Taipei City, New Taipei City (新北市), Taoyuan City (桃園市), Hsinchu County (新竹縣) and Hsinchu City (新竹市). The roster will include 14 compulsory, 7 optional and one demonstration sport. Over 150 countries will participate in this event, and it is our fondest wish that by this opportunity, we will generate a great international cultural exchange. The athletic village will be based at Linkou Public Housing, with 23 buildings in total. After the event closes, these will be returned to the public, and thereafter provide homes for about 3,300 families.

To elevate the public profile of Taipei City and the Universiade, and attract tourists to experience this friendly and multi-cultural city, Taipei City Government has advertised the games in foreign media and also at many big sports events in Taiwan and overseas. These venues include AIPS (Association Internationale De La Presse Sportive), SportAccord, and the 2016 Rio Olympics. It is believed that exchange between athletes is a sure fire way to promote Taipei City and the event. In addition, Universiade-related information and advertising has been and is being released in major Asian cities.

Besides promoting the Universiade in city advertising and at international sports events, there has been blanket coverage on TV, radio, the Internet, in brochures, and on outdoor billboards. Taipei City Government’s staff have all dedicated themselves to boosting this event, and ensuring that the maximum number of people learn about it and getting involved. Bravo, the ambassador, will attend many activities for the Universiade and, at the same time, advocate for Formosan black bear conservation.

Countdown to Universiade! Taiwan Steps up on the International Stage

The 2017 Taipei Universiade is approaching its countdown period. More than just an exciting international sports competition, the event will place Taiwan’s profuse multi-cultural advantages center stage! The most important promotion of the event’s early stage will be the torch relay, which will be run from May to August, 2017. The flame was originally lit in Paris, France, and will pass through 3 or 4 cities before coming to Taiwan, where it will visit different cities. As it travels, the torch will symbolize the spirit of the event and provide the perfect opportunity for promoting Taiwan’s culture to the world.

Teams from about 160 different countries will gather at the athletes’ compound, and a village opening ceremony will be held on August 12th. While checking into the village, athletes will be greeted by a unique performance of Taiwanese dancing. This will also be home to a variety of cultural experiences, exhibitions and performances, and virtual reality spaces introducing three ethnic groups: Taiwan’s indigenous people, the Minnan (閩南) and the Hakka (客家). In the cool night breeze of summer, there’ll be DJs spinning tunes for the competitors to unwind and dance to, and the whole ambience is designed to make them feel at home and participate in the charms of Taiwanese culture.

The Taipei 2017 Universiade is around the corner. We’d like to invite people from all over to learn about and experience Taipei, starting now! Mark your calendar for the summer of 2017. Come feel the youth, energy, health, passion and friendliness of Taipei City!

Time Course August 19th to 30th, 2017 (12 days)

Host International University Sports Federation (FISU)

Organizing Committee Taipei 2017 Universiade Organizing Committee

Venues Taipei Track and Field Stadium and other venues in Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City.

Sports Program

14 compulsory sports: Athletics, Basketball, Diving, Fencing, Football, Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Judo, Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo

7 optional sports: Archery, Baseball, Badminton, Golf, Roller Sports, Weightlifting, Wushu

1 demonstration sport: Billiards

Number of Participants About 7,000 athletes from 150 countries

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