2017年1月5日 星期四

The Whole Ancient World in One Place  古今珍寶一把抓 —— 什麼都有的大英博物館

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2017/01/03 第282期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Whole Ancient World in One Place  古今珍寶一把抓 —— 什麼都有的大英博物館
For more than 250 years, the British Museum has held the ancient world's greatest treasures.

  The British Museum is home to one of the world's largest collections of historical artifacts. It has objects from all around the world and covers thousands of years of human history. What's even more amazing is that the museum began as just one man's personal collection, which he wanted to share with the public free of charge.
  In 1753, Sir Hans Sloane gave his collection of artifacts to the nation. This may not sound like much, but Sloane had succeeded in collecting over 71,000 items in his lifetime. His collection included tens of thousands of books, which would later become the basis of the British Library. It also included thousands of historical pieces like paintings, statues, and things from the natural world. Six years after his death, Sloane's huge personal treasure led to the creation of the British Museum, which officially opened in 1759.
  Since its founding, the British Museum has kept growing. Throughout the British Empire, sailors and soldiers brought more cultural treasures back to the British Museum, which now includes over eight million different pieces. In addition, all of the museum's regular collections are still free to the millions of people who visit every year, just like Sloane would have wanted.


  西元 1753 年,漢斯•斯隆爵士將他的文物收藏品捐歸國有。這聽起來好像不怎麼樣,但是漢斯•斯隆爵士在他一生中成功收集了超過七萬一千件文物。他的收藏包含數以萬計的書籍,而這些藏書後來成為了大英圖書館的根基。他的收藏其中也包括數千件的歷史物件,例如畫作、雕像和自然界的東西。在漢斯•斯隆爵士逝世六年後,他的大量個人收藏品促成了大英博物館的誕生,並在西元 1759 年正式開幕了。

  1. ancient a. 古代的
    This ancient Greek artifact is extremely valuable.
  2. collection n. 一批(東西);收藏品
    Bill showed us a very fine collection of old coins.
  3. personal a. 私人的,個人的
    When getting off the train, don't forget to take your personal belongings with you.
  4. charge n. & vi. 索費
    The repairman charged me NT$500 for fixing the television.
    *repairman n. 維修人員;修理工
  5. succeed vi. 順利完成;成功
    Jerry succeeded in borrowing his father's car.
  6. basis n. 根基;基礎
    Kevin's theory has no scientific basis.
  7. found vt. 建立;創辦
    The United Nations was founded in 1945.
    聯合國創立於西元 1945 年。
  8. regular a. 一般的;定期的
    Tommy looks like a regular guy, but in fact, he is a billionaire.
    *billionaire n. 億萬富翁

artifact n. 歷史文物,古物,手工藝品

free 的相關片語
本文 "... share with the public free of charge" 中的 free of charge 表『不收費』。 be free of sth 可表『不含/沒有……的;不受……之苦的』。free 做為『免費』的意思時,還有一個十分常用,與中文用法也非常相似的諺語 "There's no such thing as a free lunch." 意思就是『天下沒有白吃的午餐。』例:

The surgery went well, and the patient is now free of cancer.

A: Bruce wants me to introduce him to one of my female friends. That's why he has been so nice to me recently.
B: I knew it! There's no such thing as a free lunch.

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