2016年12月20日 星期二

StarTalk 2  名人談星 2

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2016/12/20 第279期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

StarTalk 2  名人談星 2
Neil deGrasse Tyson's passion for science and the universe has turned his podcast into a TV show on its second season.


  Many questions keep us lying awake at night: the future of our planet, the origin of life, and whether aliens exist. Some people become afraid when thinking about problems of this size. However, have no fear because this month on the National Geographic Channel (NGC), science personality Neil deGrasse Tyson will explain the mysteries of the universe in the second season of StarTalk.
  Since 2009, Tyson has had a podcast called StarTalk where, with the help of famous co-hosts, he mixes topics about space and science with pop culture. Aliens, the environment, space travel, the Big Bang, the earth's future, and science-related news are all talked about. In April 2015, NGC turned StarTalk into a late-night talk show. The show follows the form of the podcast by mixing science and comedy to make science more fun and easier to understand. Tyson once said that his goal was to bring the universe down to Earth in a way that further excited the audience to want more. With the help of famous guests such as former president Bill Clinton and David Byrne, the newest season of StarTalk continues to do just that. Catch all the fun this month on NGC.


  從 2009 年開始,泰森在播客中有一個名為《名人談星》的節目,在節目名搭檔主持人的幫助下,他將太空、科學以及流行文化加以結合。節目中談及了外星人、地球環境、太空旅行、大霹靂、地球的未來,以及科學的相關新聞。2015 年四月,國家地理頻道將《名人談星》轉型為深夜脫口秀。該節目循著播客的形式,融合科學與喜劇,使科學更加有趣且易於理解。泰森曾經說過,他的目標是以進一步使觀眾興奮起來並想要更多的方式讓世人更了解宇宙。在像是前總統比爾•柯林頓和大衛•拜恩這些知名來賓的幫助下,最新一季的《名人談星》要持續地實現這個目標。不要錯過這個月在國家地理頻道的每一分歡樂。

  1. origin n. 起源;來源
    Our teacher told us the origin of this well-known legend.
  2. have no fear  不用怕;沒有恐懼
    The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is to have no fear of the future.
    * fulfilled a. 充實的,滿意/足的
  3. personality n. 名人
    David Beckham was an active sports personality before he retired from football.
  4. late-night a. 深夜的,午夜的(僅用於名詞前)
    Stephanie enjoys watching scary late-night movies on TV with her boyfriend.
  5. form n. 形式,方式
    Brian received a gift in the form of cash.
  6. excite vt. 使興奮,刺激
    Warm water excites the pores, so it is best to splash your face with cold water after washing it.
    * pore n. 毛孔

podcast n. 播客(一種數位媒體,為 iPod 與 broadcast 的混成詞)
alien n. 外星人

2016 暖心特輯「下班/課後,決定你的未來」


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