2016年10月20日 星期四

Brontë Treasures, Blown in From the Moors矌野的風 吹來夏綠蒂.勃朗特的珍寶

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2016/10/21 第145期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Brontë Treasures, Blown in From the Moors矌野的風 吹來夏綠蒂.勃朗特的珍寶
As a Tower Sinks, a Dispute Deepens摩天豪宅下沉 舊金山挫咧等
Brontë Treasures, Blown in From the Moors矌野的風 吹來夏綠蒂.勃朗特的珍寶
文/William Grimes

The dress — a floor-length blue-on-white petal print with little round buttons up the bodice and a tight collar — is tiny, tailored for a woman 4 feet 9 inches tall. The wearer was Charlotte Brontë, and her demure day dress, just about big enough for a 12-year-old girl, was the plain wrapping that encased an enormous talent, a bubbling blend of ambition, passion and literary genius.


Like a disembodied spirit, the dress stands at the entrance to "Charlotte Brontë: An Independent Will," which runs Friday through Jan. 2 at the Morgan Library & Museum in New York. Timed to the 200th anniversary of Brontë's birth, the exhibition offers a compact, sensitively arranged and surprisingly comprehensive tour of the life and work of one of the Victorian era's most beloved writers, an object of fascination from the moment that "Jane Eyre" was published under the pen name Currer Bell in 1847.


The exhibition's subtitle comes from the pivotal chapter in "Jane Eyre" in which the heroine, although deeply in love with Rochester, the master of the house where she is a governess, spurns his proposal that she live with him, in effect, as his mistress. He entreats her to stop struggling like a "wild frantic bird." She replies: "I am no bird; and no net ensnares me. I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you."


The passage — one of the sizzlers that made "Jane Eyre" an eyebrow-raiser in its time — may be read in the novel's bound manuscript, on view for the first time in the United States, and opened to the relevant page. Christine Nelson, a Morgan curator, secured the loan from the British Library and, to complement the Morgan's deep holdings of Brontë manuscripts, books and drawings, arranged to borrow other items from the National Portrait Gallery in London and the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth, Yorkshire.


The exhibition, tracing a fluid, chronological circle, begins by establishing the location. For nearly all her life, Brontë lived in a modest parsonage in Haworth, northwest of the urban and industrial Bradford and Leeds, perched on the edge of a wild moor.


In the hands of the novelist Elizabeth Gaskell, whose enormously popular biography "The Life of Charlotte Brontë" appeared in 1857, two years after its subject's death at the age of 38, the village, the house and its inhabitants took on a gothic character that haunted the public imagination. High on a windswept hill, wrapped in darkness and incessant rain, lived a family of creative geniuses, with three little Wednesday Addamses — Charlotte, Emily and Anne — afloat in a literary fantasy world.





一家能出一位作家已很了不起,勃朗特一家出了三位女作家。勃朗特三姊妹(the Bronte Sisters)夏綠蒂(Charlotte)、艾蜜莉(Emily)和安妮(Anne)各自有經典名著傳世,夏綠蒂的「簡.愛」(Jane Eyre);艾蜜莉的「咆哮山莊」(Wuthering Heights );安妮的「荒野莊園的房客」(The Tenant of Wildfell Hall)。

就像張愛玲有經典語錄,夏綠蒂.勃朗特的「簡.愛」也有發燒語錄(sizzlers),例如文中提到的"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me. I am a free human being with an independent will, which I now exert to leave you."而「獨立自主的意志」正是夏綠蒂一生的追求。


這次特展以哥德風(gothic character)呈現哈沃斯,哥德式小說(Gothic fiction)結合恐怖、死亡和羅曼史,文中提到在寒風颯颯的山坡高處,包覆在昏暗的天色和綿綿不斷的雨中,就是典型的哥德式場景。

As a Tower Sinks, a Dispute Deepens摩天豪宅下沉 舊金山挫咧等
文/Thomas Fuller

The developers of the luxurious Millennium Tower laid out the risks and potential defects of the 58-story building in minute detail when its apartments went on sale seven years ago.

But the 21-page disclosure document left out what owners of units in the buildings now say was a crucial detail: that the building had already sunk more than 8 inches into the soft soil by the time it was completed in 2009, much more than engineers had anticipated.



"If they had disclosed the defect, I would have never bought here," said Jerry Dodson, the owner of a two-bedroom apartment on the 42nd floor that he bought with his wife for $2.1 million. "Never was there a hint that the building was sinking beyond design."

The Millennium Tower, which its developers say is the largest reinforced concrete building in the western United States, has now sunk about 16 inches and is leaning 6 inches toward a neighboring skyscraper. The building's tilt has become a public scandal, a dispute that has produced a wide-eyed examination of whether San Francisco's frenetic skyscraper-building spree was properly monitored by city authorities.



In a city bracketed by two major earthquake fault lines, the possibility of engineering flaws generates particular unease.

"This is the first sentinel telling us maybe we should be a little more careful," said Nicholas Sitar, a professor of civil engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in how buildings respond to earthquakes. "Any time you have a tall structure leaning, you have to start looking very carefully."



As the scandal has unfolded in recent weeks, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a former mayor of San Francisco, wrote to the current mayor, Edwin M. Lee, expressing concern about the number of buildings like Millennium Tower that are not anchored in bedrock.


"For a long time you didn't see very tall structures in San Francisco," Sitar said. With advances in engineering and by studying responses of buildings in earthquake zones, he said, engineers have grown more confident. "Is that confidence warranted? To some extent it is. At that the same time, there has to be an abundance of caution."




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