To make a video on YouTube go viral, you need a catchy title, a clever description, and of course, an entertaining1 video. Some of the most popular videos on YouTube are of people attempting extreme stunts2, which end up as epic3 wins or tragic fails. National Geographic Channel's (NGC) new show, Man v. Viral, recreates the stunts in these viral videos to test them in the name of science. Engineer and TV host Tim Shaw investigates how things work by testing what forces are affecting the incredible stunts seen on the Internet. Through the course of the show, Shaw redesigns the stunts seen on YouTube and tries to make them bigger, faster, and better. Every scientist needs a guinea pig4, and for Shaw, that is Buddy Munro. Throughout the series, Shaw will launch Munro into the air in a human catapult5, spin him in a merry-go-round at dizzying speeds, and slide him down a 120-meter-long escalator, all while trying to keep him alive. To find out what other stunts2 Munro gets thrown into, tune in this month to catch NGC's Man v. Viral.