2020年8月10日 星期一

Preparing for a Typhoon 防颱準備

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2020/08/11 第461期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Preparing for a Typhoon 防颱準備
Caroline and Peter are at work and discussing an approaching typhoon.
Caroline 和 Peter 在上班時討論有颱風要來了。


C: Caroline P: Peter
Caroline and Peter are at work and discussing an approaching typhoon.
C: Have you seen the news reports? It looks like the typhoon will hit tonight.
P: Yeah, it looks like a big one. It could cause serious damage.
C: It is approaching quickly. Do you think the city will call for businesses to close this afternoon?
P: It’s possible. The last time they called off work and classes, the storm was smaller than this one.
C: It might be a good idea to begin preparing the office for the typhoon.
P: Yeah, we’d better shut all the windows and bring in everything from outside.
C: No problem, I’ll take care of that.
P: Do we have any empty buckets around? I’m worried about the pipes in the hallway. They leak if it rains a lot.
C: I think there are some in the supply closet. We should also empty out the refrigerator, just in case the power goes out.
P: Good idea. I’ll see what we can throw out and what people can take home.
C: When you finish that, let’s get some cardboard and tape it to the outside doors to protect the glass panels.
P: Sure thing. Do you think it will be that big?
C: Well, it’s already causing heavy rain. Like they always say, better safe than sorry.
P: You’re right. Let’s get busy.


1. approaching a. 即將來臨的
 approach vi. & vt. 接近,靠近
Nick is studying hard for the approaching test.
The car slowed down as it approached the traffic light.
2. damage n. 損害,破壞(不可數)
The earthquake did great damage to the town.
3. call for...  要求/呼籲……
The board is calling for the CEO to step down.
4. call off... / call...off  取消……
We called the picnic off because of the rain.
5. empty a. 空的 & vt. 清空,倒空
 empty out... / empty...out  清空……
Vicky took those empty bottles for recycling.
The thief was asked to empty his pockets out.
6. leak vi.(液體或氣體)漏,洩漏
Amy was scared when she smelled gas leaking.
7. (just) in case + (that) 子句  以防/倘若……
You should take an umbrella with you in case it rains.
8. go out  停電
Mandy lit up some candles after the electricity went out at her place.
* electricity n. 電(力)

pipe n. 管子
hallway n. 走廊
supply closet n. 儲藏櫃
cardboard n. 厚紙板
panel n. 嵌板,鑲板
Better safe than sorry.  (諺語)有備無患。

Caroline 和 Peter 在上班時討論有颱風要來了。 

卡洛琳: 你看新聞報導了沒?看來今晚颱風會來襲。
彼 得: 我看了,這個颱風似乎很強。它可能會造成嚴重的災害。
卡洛琳: 它正迅速逼近中。你想今天下午市府會要求公司行號停班嗎?
彼 得: 有可能。上次他們宣布停班停課時,颱風規模比這個還小。
卡洛琳: 開始為辦公室做防颱準備可能會是個好點子。
彼 得: 沒錯,我們最好關上所有窗戶,並把外面所有東西都搬進來。
卡洛琳: 沒問題,包在我身上。
彼 得: 我們有任何空的水桶嗎?我擔心走廊的管線。如果雨下太
卡洛琳: 我想儲藏櫃裡有一些空水桶。我們也應該清空冰箱,以防到
彼 得: 好主意。我來看看有什麼我們可以丟掉的東西,以及還有什
卡洛琳: 等你清完冰箱後,我們拿些厚紙板用膠帶貼在大門外面,以
彼 得: 沒問題。妳覺得颱風會那麼大嗎?
卡洛琳: 嗯,它已經造成豪雨。就像人們常說的,我們要防患未然。
彼 得: 妳說得沒錯。我們快動手開始吧。





天氣熱沒食慾 開胃偏方有用嗎?

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